DESIGNARENAS is a company under Belgian law founded by Dominique D'Heedene:

DesignArenas Facts

Kapucijnenstraat 58/403
B-8400 Ostend

tel: +32 478 524 850


VAT: BE0885195769
IBAN: BE70 7350 1581 4725

Founded in 2006 by Dominique D'Heedene

Where it all started...

While traveling abroad, I often came across beautiful design articles in the luxury hotels I visited. Whenever I did inquire at the hotel counter where to buy these, the answer was never obvious. Either this information was not available or the supplier could not ship to my country or was not interested in selling to individual clients.
From here the idea grew to develop and offer a customer-friendly shopping service to hotel guests so that they can shop for the beautiful things they experience during their hotel stay.


DESIGNARENAS is the first European shopping service to sell luxury hotel goods.

You have probably already come across that beautiful lamp, those sublime satin sheets or that superb terrace chair while traveling... Via this website they will all be within reach now. Discover our dream collections and bring hotel luxury into your home; or snap up that unique gift for family or friends.
Register today
to receive our newsletters, have a look at our collection and take your pick.
DESIGNARENAS will make sure that the articles you have chosen are delivered to your home anywhere in Europe and with 100% customer satisfaction. In addition, DESIGNARENAS will leverage its economic activity to build a charity fund for children and their education. You will be kept informed via this site and the DESIGNARENAS Newsletters about this fund and its use.

Dominique D'Heedene
Founder and Managing Partner, DesignArenas


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